Grain Alliance elevators plan to accept 40k tons of milling wheat

Grain Alliance Ukraine elevators plan to accept about 40 thou. tons of milling wheat in the new season.

"If necessary, the ratio of early crops storage is provided as follows: 70 percent in silos and 30 percent in floor storages," Alexander Khomiv, Deputy Director for Production, comments.

The company also intends to increase the turnover of its elevators.

"This year we are aimed to increase grain turnover at elevators, so we will accept grain for processing and storing not only from our farms but also from third parties," he notes.

According to Alexander Khomiv, the company will determine the cost of services in the near future.

Previously it was reported that Grain Alliance plans to launch a new flour-milling complex on the basis of Yagotinsky Grain-Receiving Enterprise (Kyiv region) by the new season.

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