Epicenter K modernizes two more elevators

By the end of 2018, the agricultural division of Epicenter K will modernize Vinnytsia elevator and Zakupnyansky cereal receiving enterprise (Khmelnytsky region), AgroTimes informs.

The capacity of shipping grain to rail transport at both enterprises will be doubled to 4 thou. tons per day. Due to this, elevators will be able to load routes consisting of 54 wagon cars within 24 hours.

On the elevators, additional dryers will be constructed and grain storage capacities will be increased.

The Epicenter K division concluded an agreement on modernization works with the company Ugelevator. At the moment, six silos at the Vinnytsia elevator are almost complete. Thus, the total capacity of the grain storage will increase to 172 thou. tons.

A similar contract with the company Ugelevator was also signed for Zakupnyansky cereal receiving enterprise. At the moment, two floor storages have been dismantled at the elevator, as they inhibited laying of a railway track. Silos are being built at the enterprise to increase its capacity to 100 thou. tons.

Note: Epicenter K is aimed at increasing the capacity of the grain acceptance lines. Thus, two company elevators in Vinnytsia and Zakupnoye are modernized today.

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