Ristone Holdings harvested winter barley at 4-4.5 t/ha

Ristone Holdings has completed winter barley harvesting. The company's preliminary average yield estimates are at 4-4.5 t/ha.

"The agroholding's farms have finalized the winter barley campaign. The total area harvested was 680 ha, winter barley production reached 2.9 thou. t," the report reads.

Winter wheat and spring barley threshing is underway in the company's fields. Rapeseed harvesting has covered more than half of the areas under the crop.

Recently the company invested USD 0.8 mln in new agricultural machinery.

Winter wheat area in Ukraine sums 6.1 mln ha in 2020/21, winter barley 954.7 thou. ha, winter rapeseed 881.1 thou. ha.

Spring crops area in Ukraine in 2020/21:

  • wheat: 176.02 thou. ha
  • barley: 1.35 mln ha
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