Continental Farmers Group commissioned potato storage in Lviv region
Continental Farmers Group (CFG), a subsidiary of Saudi Arabia's SALIC in Ukraine, completed the construction of a 6,000 sq. meters potato storage in Chukva village, Sambir district of Lviv region.
The company's total investment in the new production facility amounted to UAH 111.4 mln. The construction works took 10 months.
As reported by CFG, the 16,000 t potato storage is one of the largest potato storage facilities in Ukraine. It is aboveground and is split into six chambers, each one having the capacity of 2,650 t. Potatoes are stocked in bulk and may be kept at the facility for up to 10 months without any loss in quality.
Georg von Nolcken
Continental Farmers Group CEO
“Continental is one of the leading potato producers in Ukraine and we consider this field of operations as one of our strategic priorities. Each year, we grow potatoes on a land area of two thousand hectares and we also are improving the technologies and expanding our production facilities all the time. After putting the new facility in the village of Chukva into operation, our Company may store one-time over 100,000 t of potatoes and supply them to our buyers during virtually the entire year, ensuring consistently high quality of the potato”
The facility is equipped with innovative ventilation equipment of the Mooij Agro Dutch company. This equipment allows precise control over the temperature, humidity, and CO² levels at the potato storage facility as well as individual parameters for the storage of any potato variety.
“The modern adjustable-speed ventilators and a precise computer system of humidification allow us to prevent the water loss in the harvested crops,” Orest Kravchuk, Head of Continental Potatoes Cluster noted. “Aside from that, we have installed a unique ventilation floor that is equipped with positive pressure systems that distribute the air evenly over the entire flat area of the floor. I would like to note that a combination of these technologies is used for the first time in Ukraine, and we rightfully may declare our new facility to be the most modern in the country.”
In mid-September, CFG started the potato harvesting campaign 2021. The yield indicators were above the planned.
In the coming season, CFG plans potato cultivation on 2.1 thou. ha. The agroholding has been increasing its potato area since 2020.