Agrain exports 90% of meat cattle

The agro group Agrain exports almost 90% of the meat cattle for the third year in a row and practically does not deliver it to the domestic market of Ukraine.

This is informed by the Head of the Livestock Branch of the agro group Agrain Yuri Gudz in the interview for

"Five years ago, the owner said, "We are selling a Mercedes at the price of Zaporozhets." Back then, there was not such an understanding in the market of Ukraine that this was a bull of a meat breed, and that was a bull of a milk breed. All livestock was sold at the same price. Today, prices on the domestic and foreign markets are significantly different. If in Ukraine the bulls of dairy breeds (Holstein, red-brown, black-brown, etc.) cost 45-46 UAH/kg, the specialized meat breeds (Charolais, limousine, Aberdeen, Polissya, etc.) — 60-65 UAH/kg. The difference is c.40-50 per one kilo," says Yuri Gudz.

Learn more: Even with Cattle, One Can Be in the Black: Who Holds 15% of the Meat Stock in Ukraine

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