Russia sanctioned a number of Ukrainian agricultural companies and businessmen

Russia announced sanctions on hundreds of Ukrainian companies and individuals. The list also includes a number of Ukrainian agricultural companies, among them are Agroprom-Technologies, Azot (Ostchem Grop), the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine, Dniproazot, Zernoproduct MHP, Agromars Complex, Myronivsky Zavod po Vygotovlennyu Krup i Kombikormiv (MHP), Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP)Nika-TeraNIBULON, Nika-Agrotrade, Rivneazot, Synkov AGRO, Starynska Ptahofabryka (MHP), TH Agroimport Ltd, Unagro NPKFOZZY GroupKernel Holding S.A.

The list of sanctioned agribusinessmen includes:

The current Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Kutovui is also hit with the limits.

The list covers 322 individuals and 68 companies.

On October 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on special economic measures in connection with the unfriendly and contrary to international law actions of Ukraine against the Russians. Russia decided to introduce counter-sanctions in response to Kyiv’s actions. In particular, in May of this year, President Poroshenko introduced the decision of the NSDCU, which expanded sanctions against Russian legal entities and individuals, as well as extended the restrictive measures imposed in previous years.

The sanctions include freezing of funds, securities and property, as well as a ban on the withdrawal of capital from Russia.

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