Alebor Group and Astarta-Kyiv in 2018 invested most in elevator business

In 2018, the total capacity of linear elevators in Ukraine increased by 1 million tons. The most significant contribution to the increase in the storage capacity of grain crops was made by Alebor Group and the agri-industrial holding Astarta-Kyiv.

The companies that invested most in elevator construction in 2018 are as follows:

  • Alebor Group — implemented an investment program to increase grain storage capacity by 112.6 thou. tons. In six months, capacities of the three elevators of the company were expanded: Khrystynivske Grain Collecting Station grew by 60 thou. tons to 136 thou. tons,  Voronovytske Grain Collecting Station by 36 thou. tons to 140 thou. tons, and Chesne Grain Collecting Station by 16.5 thou. tons to 39 thou. tons. A laboratory is also set along with other large-scale measures for providing additional equipment and modernization of the grain collecting station.
  • Astarta-Kyiv — put into operation three elevators in Poltava region, namely Yareskovsky (100 thou. tons capacity), Lutovinovsky (100 thou. tons) and Skorokhodovsky (30 thou. tons).
  • NIBULON — increased the capacity of its branch in Kremenchug, Poltava region, by 20 thou. tons. There is also a new trucks unloader installed.
  • Grain Alliance (BZK) — put into operation the Nizhyn Elevator. Its capacity stands at 24 thou. tons. The first phase of the elevator complex has been commissioned.
  • AVIS UKRAGRO — constructed the elevator AVIS ZERNOTRADE, and in October 2018 put into operation the first phase of 30 thou. tons.

In 2018, the capacities of the line elevators increased Vilia, LNZ Group, Likhachevsky elevator, Ukrlandfarming, Zahidny Bug, PAKOBO and others.

The new infographic guide Agribusiness of Ukraine 2017/18 is available by the link.

Grain storage capacities in Ukraine (click for full resolution)

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