Grain export 2021/22: barley shipment 33% up YoY

Staple grains export shipment from Ukraine since the start of the 2021/22(1 July 2021-30 June 2022) season has reached 19.4 mln t. As reported by the Agrarian Ministry, commodities shipment as of 1 November increased by 2.9 mln t, 17.3% up YoY (1 Nov. 2020: 16.5 mln t).

Ukraine's grain export at the reporting date by crops (thou. t):

 Commodity Total In Oct. 2021 YoY
 Corn 2 315 885 159
 Wheat 12 371 3 433 1 724
 Barley 4 475 695 1 110
 Rye 55,5 12,9 53,8

As a reminder, wheat export from Ukraine in 2021/22 was limited to 25.3 mln t. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Agrarian Ministry and grain market participants.

The new crop progress in Ukraine as of 28 October came to 60.68 mln t of grains and legumes on 12.9 mln ha. The average yield made up 4.72 t/ha.

Read more: Record Harvest in Ukraine, Unstable Gas Prices and Dioxins

Agricultural commodities formed 45% of the total structure of Ukraine's exports in 2020. Europe imported 32.4% of products shipped.

The USDA in its October report left unchanged the projection for Ukraine's wheat export in 2021/22 at 23.5 mln t, corn supply is forecast lower at 31.5 mln t. The UGA informed about 48.8 mln t of grains and oilseeds export from Ukraine in the 2020/21 season.

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